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    You may return your item(s) for a full refund (excluding shipping/handling charges) within 7 days after receiving the items. We will gladly accept unworn, unwashed, unaltered, or unused merchandise in sellable condition for a full refund.
    Also, BestFootballKits is not responsible for any lost returns. We recommend a shipping method with proof of delivery or a tracking number. We currently do not provide return labels for international shipments, and customers will be responsible for return shipments and costs.

    Please allow 2 to 7 business days to process the return once it has been received. You will be notified via email once the refund has been issued.

    Can I return an item that has been personalised?

    Sorry, personalised products are not returnable.

    What shipping service should i use?

    BestFootballKits cannot be held responsible for return parcels not received. We recommend sending parcels with a tracked service, and making a note of the tracking number in case it is required at a later date.

    When will my return be processed?

    Please allow up to 7 working days for your return to be processed. We cannot process any refund or credit prior to receipt.

    Have you received my returned item?

    Once we have received your return, we aim to process it for you within 7 working days and you will receive a refund once processing is complete. If the order has been returned, please contact our customer service team with your order number and the tracking number of the returned parcel so that we can investigate and resolve the issue for you quickly.


    Log in to quickly track your order


    Please use the chat button on the lower right hand corner, chat available 24/7.